Available for select readings, panel discussions, workshops, lectures, and writing festivals.
Queries: ZG Stories, Anvil Press.
Readings & Events
Poetry in the Park
2018/08/08August 8, 2018 @ 6:30pm
Queen’s Park
New Westminster, BC
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Poetry in the Park
I will be a featured reader at this outdoors series with Sylvia Simons. 6:30 p.m.-8:30pm in Queen’s Park, New Westminster, BC. Bring a chair or blanket!
Artsong Lab
2018/07/25June 25-26, 2018
Canadian Music Centre
Vancouver, BC
Artsong Lab
I’m a guest artist at this year’s Artsong Lab program in Vancouver and am leading workshops and drop-in sessions for the poets and composers.
Growing Room Festival
2018/03/01March 1, 2018 @ 4:30pm
Native Education Centre
Vancouver, BC
Growing Room Festival
Hosting the panel on memoir, From Head to Heart, with Bev Sellars, Ijeoma Oluo, Chelene Knight, Leanne Dunic, Betsy Warland
The On Edge Reading Series
2018/02/01February 1, 2018 @ 5:30pm
Emily Carr University of Art and Design
Ron Burnett Library + Learning Commons
The On Edge Reading Series
Emily Carr University of Art and Design, The On Edge Reading Series features Rajinderpal S. Pal and Elee Kraljii Gardiner in the Ron Burnett Library + Learning Commons.
I’ll be reading with Rajinderpal S. Pal, the author of two books of poetry: pappaji wrote poetry in a language i cannot read (TSAR, 1998), winner of the Alberta Book Awards Best First Book, and pulse (Arsenal Pulp Press, 2002), shortlisted for the WO Mitchell City of Calgary Book Prize and the Alberta Book Awards for Poetry. He has been published in many anthologies including Language for a New Century: Contemporary Poetry from the Middle East, Asia and Beyond (Norton, 2008). He has performed his poetry across Canada at events including The Scream in High Park (1999), and WordFest (1998). Rajinderpal was born in India, grew up in London, England and has called Canada home since 1980. He has collaborated with musicians and videographers to create multi-disciplinary presentations of his work. He is currently working on a new manuscript.
We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, which last year invested $153 million to bring the arts to Canadians throughout the country.
Everyone is welcome!
Elliott Bay Bookstore
2017/12/08December 8, 2017 @ 7pm
Elliott Bay Bookstore
1521 10th Ave
Seattle, WA
Elliott Bay Bookstore
I will be opening with work from serpentine loop for Rachel Rose who is reading from her memoir The Dog Lover Unit.
Launch of Daphne Marlatt’s Intertidal
2017/11/30November 30, 2017 @ 7:30pm
Western Front
303 8th Ave
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Launch of Daphne Marlatt’s Intertidal
Launch of Daphne Marlatt’s Intertidal, new and selected, from TalonBooks
I’ll be reading a poem of Daphne’s to celebrate her collected works, with Rita Wong, Colin Browne, Catriona Strang, Roy Miki, Fred Wah and editor Susan Holbrook.
Trauma Head: Reading the Medical File
2017/11/30November 30, 2017 @ 12pm
Belkin Gallery at UBC
Trauma Head: Reading the Medical File
The exhibit of The Beautiful Brain, the drawing of Santiago Ramón y Cajal (d.1934) will be closing Dec 5 but before it does I will be reading from the chapbook “Trauma Head” with poet Ali Blythe.
Chicken Session
2017/11/04November 4, 2017 @ 7pm
Chicken Session
A reading-and-music session held in a private home, hosted by Pam Bentley.
Vancouver International Writer’s Fest
2017/10/22October 22, 2017 @ 1:30pm
Review Stage
The Writer’s Studio at SFU
2017/10/02October 2, 2017
The Writer’s Studio at SFU
I will be speaking to Betsy Warland’s memoir class with Gurjinder Basran and Jennifer Zilm.
WORD Vancouver
2017/09/24September 24, 2017
Alice Mackay Room
Vancouver Public Library
WORD Vancouver
Poet Kevin Spenst invited me to share his chapbook table at WORD Vancouver. I will be there with Trauma Head! And visiting the Thursdays Writing Collective table, too.
Poetic Pairings, part of WORD Festival
2017/09/19September 19, 2017 @ 6:30pm
Britannia Community Services Centre
1661 Napier St
Vancouver BC
V5L 4X4
Poetic Pairings, part of WORD Festival
Poets present collaborations. Host: Mary Duffy. Poetic Pairs: Jónína Kirton and Sho Wiley, Elee Kraljii Gardiner and RC Weslowski, Bonnie Nish and Angela Rebrec, Cynthia Sharp and Timothy Shay, Chelsea Comeau and Lara Varesi